Early Tape Recordings

Listen to the earliest magnetic recording of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria at the 1900 Paris Exposition, recorded by Valdemar Poulsen on his wire Telegraphone, from Robert Angus, "History of Magnetic Recording,"Audio, August, 1984, Eva-Tone Soundsheet record.

Charles Apgar used an Edison cylinder phonograph in 1915 to record this Morse code message from the German transmitter at Sayville, Long Island (this rare sample provided by the Antique Wireless Association of Holcomb, N.Y.), from Robert Angus, "History of Magnetic Recording,"Audio, August, 1984, Eva-Tone Soundsheet record.

Listen to a selection from Mozart's Symphony No. 39 recorded by BASF Nov. 19, 1936, during Thomas Beecham's concert in Ludwigshafen, Germany, from Robert Angus, "History of Magnetic Recording,"Audio, August, 1984, Eva-Tone Soundsheet record. A higher quality sound clip can be heard at EMTEC History

Recording Technology History | Magnetic Recording History Pictures | this page revised 12/29/02